
Morinda plant may prevent Alzhemer's

中国で認知症の新薬が承認されました。機序は腸内細菌を整え、炎症を抑え脳のアミロイドβを抑えるというものです。この薬は海藻から作られていますが、同じ機序でモリンダ植物(Morinda officinalis)も有効であることが報告されています。


Novel drugs are now very expensive. China may be an exception. Chinese government approved Alzheimer drug. It has an interesting mechanism. Polysaccharides of sea weed improves flora and reduces the brain inflammation.

Morinda officinalis has the identical effects. This research paper was published by a Chinese group. It shows polysaccharides of Morinda improves flora and prevent Alzheimer's.

Some types of noni juice do not contain polysaccharides because it is sticky and be a burden to be standardized. TNJ actually contains a lot of polysaccharides. It means very effective but viscosity of bottles is different by production lot. I think it is good part of TNJ.


