
Alzheimer’s Café
今日の本は「認知症カフェ 企画・運営マニュアル」。巷には「認知症にならないための健康法」が溢れています。僕もその一部で、セミナーではそういうことを話します。その考えが、「認知症患者を社会から疎外させる」と、この本は教えてくれました。ガーン😱
Today's book is "Alzheimer’s Cafe Management book". We can see information, "how to prevent Alzheimer’s disease (AD)". However, little is seen, "how to live with AD patients". I actually tell about how to prevent AD in my seminar. This book tells me this kind of information isolates AD patients from society.
Alzheimer Cafe is the place connecting between AD patients and the social. It is not restaurant café but activities. Anybody can arrange the activity if they have place, table, and chairs. We need to prevent ADs but have to create society that AD patients live ordinally without bias.
