
The Alzheimer Conundrum
本当にアミロイドは病因なのか? 単に加齢現象のひとつなのか? 「アミロイドは酸化ストレスから脳を保護するためにつくられる」という仮説も出させています。
Today’s book is The Alzheimer Conundrum. It’s widely known that amyloid is a causing factor of AD, Alzheimer disease. But 30% of healthy seniors have amyloid. Even though amyloid is removed by medication, the AD condition never changed. It’s now doubt that amyloid causes AD.
Morinda may contribute this fields by two reasons.
1) AGE scanning. Now the evidence, AGE receptors cause AD, increases. Morinda is only company to scan AGEs worldwide
2) healthy seniors. Medical companies or hospital can access unhealthy people, but we can access healthy seniors. The epidemiological study with those people can reveal what AD is.
Wish the company daily activities spontaneously help to prevent AD.
