The better gut, the better body
今日の本は「からだの中の外界 腸の不思議」と「腸科学」。ふたつとも同じメッセージで、腸を良くすれば、体全体が良くなるというものです。
Today’s book is The Good Gut. Intestine is the central system for our body. If we take care of out guy (take fermented food, keep away cold drink, in touch with nature, etc), our whole body becomes healthy. It enhances immune system, metabolism, brain function.
I told my daughter, “take care of your gut. It makes something big in the bathroom. It means you become smart”.
My daughter told me, “so people don’t need exam. Just go to the bathroom and watch it. It tells how smart he is.”
Maybe she is smart, I guess.